Friday, August 1, 2008

Save me from myself...

This is officially a cry for help.

Today, while getting ready to get ready to leave the apartment (Makes sense if you think about it) I found myself watching something called WENDY WU: HOMECOMING WARRIOR. I'd explain the plot, but I think the title leaves precious little that needs explaining.

It was the title, in fact, that roped me in. Hell, it has the word "warrior" in it. This Wendy has got to be a kick-ass chick. Man, I love kick-ass chicks. That alone almost balanced out the fact that it airs on the Disney Channel.

I then noticed the extremely-cute-in-an-American-Eagle-billboard-kinda-way girl who plays the titular Homecoming Warrior.

I felt extremely filthy crushing on a Disney-Channel actress, but immediately did my homework and found that she's 20 years old, which downgrades the act from immoral and illegal to just inappropriate.

The real guilt lays in the fact that I had an out. I was leaving for the gym, and could very easily have turned the cable off and saved my soul from this stain it now must bare. Instead, I set the TiVo to record it, not wanting to miss a minute of the training montage that surely lay ahead. And there's nothing I love more than a training montage.

I haven't actually watched it yet, so hopefully sanity will prevail and I'll do the right thing by erasing that bewitching Wendy my video recorder and my life. I really don't need to know if she fulfills her destiny by becoming both a warrior and homecoming queen...

Or do I?

To cleanse my soul, I had to swing by Amoeba Records to pick up Dead Meadow's most recent disc and the newly released DOOMSDAY.

I need an intervention here. Help me before the sequel drops.

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